Posted inNews, Politics

Mt. Oliver Borough Council Reviews Fire Department’s Yearly Report

The Mt. Oliver Borough Council’s January public business meeting featured the December report of the Mt. Oliver Fire Department (MOFD) along with a yearly wrap-up from the fire company. Attending the meeting were council members Amber McGough, Christina Reft, Nick Viglione, Aaron Graham, Lisa Pietrusza, and Brandon Taylor. Mayor JoAnna Taylor and Borough Manager Rick […]

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Former Brashear Center in South Side Sold

The Brashear Center on Sarah Street in South Side has been a fixture in the community since it opened in 1955. The center was a hub for youth and adult activities, including English language classes for immigrants, sewing classes, and telescope-making activities. At various times in its history, you could learn to dance, how to […]

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Ormsby Children’s Garden Opens for the Planting Season at Recreation Center

The Ormsby Children’s Garden at the Ormsby Recreation Center, 79 S 22nd Street, prepared for its first harvest season with a Grand Opening Celebration on May 5. Children from Citiparks Ormsby’s KidSMART Club kicked off the celebration helping local volunteers plant strawberries, popcorn, and blueberries in the garden. Joining the celebration were City Councilman Bruce […]

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Brashear Awarded $1M State Grant for Expanding Community Center

The Brashear Association has received a $1 million grant award for the Hilltop Community Center project on Brownsville Road. “This is welcome news for Allegheny County,” said State Rep. Jessica Benham. “The funding allocation, awarded to the Brashear Association, will provide a great opportunity for our community. The services that Brashear provides supports our seniors, […]