Do not let your newsroom poison your heart.

The antidote is connection with the community. Go out. Have a coffee. Grab a drink. Forget the boss. Make friends.

The journalists you’ll meet are generally compassionate despite their bosses being assholes. Gain skills, build a network, but don’t think you’ll replace the star reporters with their permission. You must do your own thing.

There is no war but the class war. Do not look down on those who have nothing and praise those who horde everything. Failure are dragons who sit on gold they’ll never spend. They do not care. Slay them with your words.

Your job is to care. You will be the first journalist most people meet. Do right by us. Your article may be their life’s achievement. The long-shot to a winning buzzer. If you’re lucky it changes our lives for the better.

There is no moral high ground in organizations or prizes. Do not chase memberships or awards. Doing so distorts your world view. Don’t tell false tales for either. Ill-gotten stories are forgotten and prestige fades.

Favors are not currency. They expire faster than you think. Power is fickle. Politicians lose elections. Companies go bankrupt. Jobs are lost. Cash in fast before the board resets. Be kind when they fall. You never know where they’ll land.

You are enough. Pick locks and do not listen to gatekeepers.

Journalism school is a pathway down and out. Most cannot teach modern filmmaking. Some set you up for failure. Few help. Don’t accumulate debt for nonsense.

Pay your bills. Don’t pay to play. Don’t toss money at stories. Don’t rely on grants and handouts. Equipment isn’t worth debt. Take care of yourself before you take care of others.

Report for the people. Your audience isn’t the editor. Your photos bring people in. Your articles fight to be remembered. Make every second watched earned. Grab eyes with talent, earn hearts with skill.

Throw away drafts. Revise with friends. Publish on time. Do not get stuck on what could be. The cost of perfection is infinite.

Conspiracies are boring. Don’t go chasing waterfalls. Most are actuaries or mistakes. Companies pollute because it is profitable. People fear the complications of love. Politicians argue for endless attention.

Boldly state open secrets. You’ll be surprised what comes after the dam breaks.

Build your brand on solid ground. Newsrooms pull credentials. Social media disable accounts. You need to own the connection with your audience. Bring them with you.

Prioritize your health. Master hygiene. Hit the gym. Feel good. Leadership is non-verbal in the public eye. The road to greatness is a marathon, not a sprint.

You may be good, but you will never be great unless you embrace kindness and compassion. Mark your words with empathy.

Ultimately, live here, live well, be a neighbor.

We’re with you,


Foo, editor of The Pittsburgh Reporter, guides our newsrooms and meets neighbors. He shares heartfelt stories often overlooked.