South Side cheered the marathoners. The May 1 South Side Cheer Zone was entertaining and lively in spite of the cold, rainy weather during the 14th Dick’s Sporting Goods Pittsburgh Marathon.

The Pittsburgh Guitars Occasionals Band rocked at the corner of S. 11th and East Carson streets along with DJ Phil Sauter, South Side resident. Mechanic Cold Nitro Brew handed out iced coffee to the marathoners from their vintage bicycle cart. Huge dinosaurs and unicorns danced to the music and took selfies with the marathoners.

The South Side Chamber of Commerce handed out 500 fresh Giant Eagle cupcakes, dozens of Halo oranges, and baskets of mini chocolate candies. Marathoners happily grasped the edible treats as they ran by.

A total of 30,000 people participated in the April 30-May 1 marathon weekend events. In South Side, 17,000 runners competed in the 26.2 full marathon, the first in-person marathon in Pittsburgh after the pandemic. Marathoners braved the rainy and, at times, stormy weather throughout the race. Dominican runner Alvaro Abreu won the full marathon race with a finishing time of 02:16:07.

Thomas Shannon Barry surrendered his law office to the band, the Chamber, and the dinosaurs for the Cheer Zone. John Bechtold of Pittsburgh Guitars organized the band, instruments and sound system setup, musicians, and vocalists. The South Side Chamber of Commerce organized and presented the Cheer Zone to welcome the marathoners to South Side.

Foo, editor of The Pittsburgh Reporter, guides our newsrooms and meets neighbors. He shares heartfelt stories often overlooked.